Every World Lost

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #348

Published on May 5, 2022

Every World Lost

Every World Lost

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #348

Where bubbles the ocean of infinite mercy
Drawing from deep-hearted abyss its riches,
On what strange shores are spilt the beauty
Of froth-maned waves that amorously kiss?

Where is hid the sun of infinite graces,
The million-rayed crown on generosity’s brow,
Who or what receives that bounty’s excess
And sails upon bliss-waters content and slow?

Where lurks the moon-beaker of celestial joys,
The wine of harmonies and music of rapture,
Who partakes of these happy-bright liberties
As gods when the cycle of ages were younger?

Am denied myself and am denied Thee too,
To every world lost am left Thy name in lieu.