Hourly Rebellion

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #273

Published on February 19, 2022

Hourly Rebellion

Hourly Rebellion

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #273

That’s how long it lasts, my hourly rebellion,
Quashed by a mere fond remembrance,
My human pride meets its renewed ruin
And I yield to Thee once again helpless.

As salt to the ocean art Thou to me,
As subtle fragrance is blended in rose,
Unseen, unfound, yet an impalpable reality
That by the moment tangible grows.

I would wrest for Thee the bloodied root
With my all human sap dripping cold,
Gather the shattered shards of my heart
And offer to soul-fire a fuel unequalled.

From time’s precipice I raise worshiping arms
Offering body, mind, soul to Thee O Timeless.