Pilgrimage of Mind

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #270

Published on February 16, 2022

Pilgrimage of Mind

Pilgrimage of Mind

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #270

Does it count, when with mind swift-winged,
I fly to Thy abode that is my world’s centre?
Even as Thee I conjure Thy home in my mind,
The front, the steps and the sanctum chamber.

Like a silent wind offers to tree its prayer 
My thought ranges through Thy home
And all its veneration is only to whisper
Thy name my sole sufficient hymn.

Many a despair I leave by Thy door,
I stifle in breast the erupting cry,
For Thy repose am loathe to shear
And withhold tears from my unlying eye.

Does it count, this pilgrimage of mind,
When I cleave to Thee through the human grind?