Deplorable Scheme

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master #258

Published on February 4, 2022

Deplorable Scheme

Deplorable Scheme

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master #258

My piety was pure, my adoration unflinching,
My rejections inevitable, gaze to all equal,
My hymns were buoyant and resounding 
Within my heart’s devotion-wrought temple.

Apart I have stood from the human flood
Amidst the scattered islands of being,
By mapless voyages I have slow shaped
An outline of me for Thy taking.

Too unlike earth, alien to Thy heaven,
I linger like a wraith in time’s mists,
Fixed to cycle of this orbit alien
A pilgrim soul of fruitless penances.

Even if it were Thine, this deplorable scheme,
Till last leased breath I’ll not besmirch Thy name.