
Sonnet - An Invocation to the Master #258

Published on January 26, 2022



Sonnet - An Invocation to the Master #258

Wither this brief digression into this dire cusp
Where meet surface and a region most infernal,
By what breach hast it assumed this black grip,
Or for what subtle aim made this breach possible?

An assault on the layer most physical this is,
The flesh and bone and skull made recipient
Of a black dream’s malforming force,
My hours are in a pristine agony caught.

To Thy wisdom and mysterious aim I yet defer,
For Thou hast ferried me thru many a hell
Untouched, guarded by Thy irresistible fire,
Hence this episode overcome we shall.

Gloryless, bloodless, yet so gruesome and formidable
Is the alchemy of Thine yoga O Divinity Integral.