O Grandeur

Published on January 22, 2022

O Grandeur

O Grandeur

Sonnet — An Invocation to the Master #254

O King, O Exemplar, O Star beyond measures,
From what supreme aristocracy of the soul
Wert Thou wrought, what lineage in the timeless
Doth bring Thy supremely blessed whole?

O Joy, O Marvel, O Felicity unforeseen,
What fount immortal, what mint supernal,
Hath cast Thy glory most sovereign
Into the clay mould of a human vessel?

O Master, O Sire, O Father of all,
What far beatitudes await Thy summons
To drench this sphere in light integral
Making our earth a peer to the heavens?

O Grandeur, O Transcendent, O Supreme,
Raise me to stature of Thy golden dream.