Beloved Unseen

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #246

Published on January 13, 2022

Beloved Unseen

Beloved Unseen

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #246

How many years hast Thou tainted of mine,
Illumining my days with shining thoughts
Bearing down from Thy subtle unseen sun,
And my mortal lamp is rendered pointless.

O Musician, who flounders me in silence,
Thy wordless harmonies engulf the soul,
Am swept by billows of many ardours
Raising my ill-formed part to Thy whole.

O Poet, gifting me muteness for muse,
Vanished are the means of human speech
And on my tongue now dwell oracles
With incantations beyond mortal reach.

On this crowded globe am now rendered alone,
Strange is Thy way of loving O Beloved unseen!