Human Stain

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #243

Published on January 10, 2022

Human Stain

Human Stain

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #243

Long have I been a lamp by means human,
My body a malformed cup of earthly clay,
The wick from thoughts finely drawn,
Fuelled by the heart that fervently did pray.

By its feeble flickering I have clambered 
The inhospitable foreboding heights,
Where no aid of aiding hand is offered 
To ford the crevice or stay from precipice.

I have guarded this flame from the ire 
Of fates and the deep animosity of earth,
But now its fiery limbs ebb and tire
And dwindles to an ember it was at birth.

Oh let not this flame have burned in vain,
Leave not untransformed the human stain.