Solitary Adventure

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #239

Published on January 6, 2022

Solitary Adventure

Solitary Adventure

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #239

Not a flutter, not a ripple is in my life-sails,
Bare is my mind-sky without a doubt-cloud,
My body is afloat aimless on time-waters,
My soul a sailor all alone in a crowded world.

Long it seems since I left the human shores
With only Thy pale gleam for silent guide,
Far now from the commerce of little cares
Through storm of ills the journey is made.

I hear cries of Thy winged messengers 
Circling the air of my musing moments,
It seems I have neared Thy peripheries,
My soul-ray to Thee its Sun returns.

Perilous is the solitary adventure of birth,
Only with Thee shall I ever return to earth.