Happy Ray

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #222

Published on December 20, 2021

Happy Ray

Happy Ray

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #222

A happy ray hath invaded inner spaces,
It’s happy hegemony in me doth reign,
Each hour is a season of silent joys,
On skies of being I am a content moon.

The storms are quelled to a quiet,
The fevered furies have all been healed,
The grimace and anguish are spent,
A smile is within as if zephyr-kissed.

My woe-fed time-born incompleteness 
Appears to wax into a plentitude,
My meagre arc grows to a circle’s fullness;
The black clouds of fate forever vanished.

I have sailed the measureless distances of the heart,
Of His infinite constellation am now a shining part.