Sum & Unit

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #197

Published on November 25, 2021

Sum & Unit

Sum & Unit

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #197

I am the lute abandoned, the lyre unplayed,
My ode burdened heart lies long unsung,
A troop of hymns wait in mind unchanted,
My soul’s flame burns yet unswaying.

The memory of spears and swords gripped
Quiver through my fingers in ripples,
Shadowy remembrances come of quills held
Over a torch-flame lit wrinkled papyrus.

My breath is tinged with flame of seers,
Each day parts a veil of some new height,
Each night an occasion to plumb new deeps,
Each breath’s cycle widens me to a new limit.

I am the sum of the ages that have passed,
Yet an evolving unit of Thy future to be made.