Symbol Yagña

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #182

Published on November 10, 2021

Symbol Yagña

Symbol Yagña

Poem — An Invocation to The Master #182

A day of remembrance in piety had passed
Of debt owed by this breathing bodily figment,
To the first maternal womb that had birthed
Poured the first offering with a thankful chant.

Then to the womb of the paternal host
Went the second offering that stretched
The extent of my gratitude to the past, 
A face unseen yet my being had caused.

Then another leap into time forgotten
Where only is remembered a mere name,
A womb, an instance in the ancestral line
Who essayed her part in this life’s game.

Is this all wondered I, is this all I owe,
For too many had fostered my growth,
A thousand beings on me did bestow
Their earned joys and passion’s wealth.

In my mind’s eye I summoned them all,
A retinue of man and bird and beast,
They who lent my lease by their will;
Too enormous will remain my owed debt.

Then to the heart I turned and soul within
There where the thumb-sized immortal lives,
To it I made my plea, “O Light, O Daemon,
If it be true all is by Thee and all that thrives,

To Thee I supplicate to repay my debts;
Bring all I owe to the nearness of Thy feet,
And rouse my fire to surrender’s heights,
There I shall offer my soul and life complete.

Let mine this gesture perforce be
A symbol Yagña of humanity to Thee.”