All The Mar

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #109

Published on August 25, 2021

All The Mar

All The Mar

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #109

Ah, what lack is in Thy repertoire of infinity
Like a black spot mars the glorious sun-face,
For all Thy marvellous sublime subtlety 
Harbouring on Thy edifice this dull dross.

What reluctance pauses Thy hallowed lips
That once uttered the all-creative Word,
Now it’s pressed tight by an adamance
Pretending my pleas were never heard!

What makes Thee pitch Thy vastness
Against my insignificant meagre speck,
How will I ever outwit Thy immanence 
When all of me is of Thy sole make!

Ah, but it now belated dawns on me,
It is I who is all the mar that is in Thee!