Thy Arbitration
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #89
Published on August 6, 2021
Thy Arbitration
Poem — An Invocation to The Master #89
How dost Thou do this perfect reverse
Of all my pleadings to Thee,
Always a transposed inverse
Birthing from deeds of me.
To every facet where falls an affirmation
A trailing shadow ever accompanies,
Bringing unasked fruit of negation
Annulling the ends of my labours.
Is it thus, that I must discover Thee
By effacement of all that I am,
But who then will remain to see
All the wonder of realised dream?
How then must I commence
The worship of surrender complete,
By what will’s pure observance
Shall rise my being to Thy feet?
Who remain of god or daemon
My quandary to abolish?
My all is now for Thy arbitration
To abandon or even accomplish.