By Thy Infinity

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #81

Published on July 29, 2021

By Thy Infinity

By Thy Infinity

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #81

Wither this sweep of storms raging
Through life’s fragile fields unending,
Wave upon restless waves descend
Shaking our hearts by times malformed.

Is there not precious hue in each flower,
A radiance issuing from joy’s endeavour?
Why must uncouth blemish upon it fall,
Art Thou not the preserver of all?

Make for these lives shielded room
Safe from the alarm of all harm. 
In peace and harmony as prevailing law
Ensure their days unvisited by flaw.

In each flower Thou art too,
By Thy infinity may all be good and true.