Am Yet Emboldened
Published on April 5, 2021
Am Yet Emboldened
In the cycle of ages long an impoverishing turn,
A vast depletion runs its course on my pittance,
Yet by each inch erased I do unfailingly commence
To guard my flame and ardor to steadily burn.
Thy scanty grants in time doth hardly ever suffice
To fuel a sweet passioned breath of some note,
All mine exertions of will are by shadows fraught,
Still a seed my dreams to build for Thee an edifice.
My mind is hobbled and my limbs too are feebled
To carve upon this humongous time’s face
Some of Thy insuperable cherished likeness,
Yet by some urge of heart am yet emboldened.
Upon my heart I have labelled Thy blessed name,
And within it a realm for Thee to repose in time.