World Teacher


Published on November 25, 2020

World Teacher

World Teacher


Long in consternation did I bemoan
Reckless waste of years in schools
That busy circus designed by fools,
A system for slaves in a mould human.

Condemned to slog in reason’s dungeon,
Learning by rote the sham tables of utility
And sworn firm oaths of our own servility,
Each hour-year piling Ignorance’s burden.

Such gall inhabited their hearts so blind,
Presuming there dull podium a grand stage
Pronouncing empty syllables from dumb page,
Ensuring an alumni of dunces is produced.

I fled that dim stronghold of reason’s slaves,
By long travails their grey modes unlearnt
And hitched my mind onto Agni buoyant,
Beginning my course with unhuman pace.

Now the whole world is my own librarium,
Now each hour of wake and sleep a tome
I assiduously peruse as a player is game
And learnt the tongues of my future Home.

Am enrolled in the World Teacher’s course,
His the scheme of my syllabus unending,
Each subject His a single trait perfecting
To make me fit for the Supramental Force.

O Master, O World Teacher, render us well,
Through all Ignorance lead us to the Real.