Age of Doubt


Published on October 3, 2020

Age of Doubt

Age of Doubt


Ended the age of doubt, diminishing its dubious clout,
Upon every shining thought its shadow confusions brought.
Always drew a marring spell, upon all its opinion to tell,
Each movement it does kill that wakes to purpose and skill.
Doubt, the great besmircher, of all things good the sullier,
Of faith the subtle corroder, to all nobility the grim ender.
Doubt schemes by dim reason, fulled by a fear’s caution
Causes soul quest to abandon, freezing the soul to inaction.
Deadly like a poisonous mist, it arrives in musing’s drift,
In abundance this generous gift that thinking man inherited. 
It infects not a tiger’s leap, nor the winged eagle’s scoop,
Only on man the yoke does keep, clouding our days and sleep.
The doubt tutored infant soul, distrusts the light and the call
Arriving from heights supernal, a summons high of the Eternal.
Wake O moth from thy cocoon, bound now by senses’ prison,
Thy soul has means of high vision, to gaze on Truth beyond reason.
Become the hue-winged beauty that thou art destined to be,
Wings on spirit air to see the splendoured skies of Eternity.