

Published on September 4, 2020




I am ploughed by a force every night and day,
I have pledge my feeble will to its revealed way.
Its lone faint trail I keep as my compass,
Its pressure a new living pattern does impress.

Now it begins to perfect my wayward dream
Brings its mending ways to the incoherent stream.
A hundred tangled threads of being it untangles
A new use from old new powers it wrangles.

A bright charter of high aims is now mine,
By repetition’s code its distant ends I must attain.
My little means have all atrophied from disuse,
My ego frame of ignorance now only does confuse.

Through all this my Captain manoeuvres without a word,
For this Pathfinder knows all ways is what I was told.
I must fall silent now lest His far gaze I interrupt,
Only to cling to His robe is discipline to me most apt.