God’s Naught
Published on October 8, 2019

God’s Naught
A Sonnet
Courtesy Priti Ghosh
I am God’s naught, my becomings a zero sum,
I have shed desire and forded every norm.
I am propped by His will, my acts are His,
I walk by His light, I think because He does.
To our rendezvous long destined I must walk,
Through storm and abyss I will not baulk.
Old dreams have by the wayside fallen,
I am shorn too of every noble aspiration.
On this destined road I meet travellers familiar,
Echoes faint of associations past and hearts once dear.
But shadows are these, all vain pomp and colour,
A piffling breath move these, no force or ardour.
My destination is to the heart of that Golden Sun
Through time’s endless loops to Him I must return.
Note: Offered to the Divine Mother, on Dussehra Day 10 of Navaratri 2019, by Kali’s Brood and Murli R.
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