This is She

Published on October 16, 2018

This is She

This is She

A Sonnet

Courtesy Priti Ghosh

The waves have receded and a hush grows
Like Night creeps a calm, ebbing all throes.
The raging below in an uneasy petulance 
Glares within at this sudden happenstance.

Now shifts the air, a mood unseen drifts
A presence unseen bearing imperial mights.
All grows small by this approaching immensity 
Raises our being to an uncommon intensity.

The mind expectant and the vital crouching
The physical wary of this Other approaching.
Then the tumult, a Force without seed issues
A shudder sails through mind till body’s tissues.

Then an echo from beyond feebly caught
Saying, “This is She, without whom thou art not!”

PS: Our offering to the Divine Mother, on day 7 of Navratri 2018.