
Published on August 8, 2018



A Poem

Master by Priti Ghosh

The long trail could not truly presage
The wondrous close of my pilgrimage.
For I, a mere orphaned fire 
Stood at the doorstep of my Sire.

From a distance I did ardently muse
What glowing deed brought me this close.
Then I saw Her seated there, all welcoming smile.
She who had shorn me of all guile.

Time’s burden was gone and so all tainting acts 
The fetters were broken, no more servility to mortal pacts.
She led by will over that narrow stair
And said, “Await here child, in moments thou shalt be near”

Dazed, I walked through doors of time and space
And gazed in awe at my Master’s face.
The Will that commenced and leads the world
Was there as burnished ether or pristine gold.

My epithets were lame and prayer too feeble
What does one do beside this God of fable?!
So I let myself be, loitered by sight
And worshipped all things touched by His light.

What matter if there was no high tapas
My prayer given to all that enters my compass.
I wished for a token from Him to take
A word or a thing that He did make.

But a greater alchemy was planted within
The nights were pregnant and dawns benign.
The curve of ages covered in a moment’s time
Yet am a toddler by this Master and Mother mine.