The Return

A Poem

Published on October 11, 2017

The Return

The Return

A Poem

Lo, he is slain now, Rakshasa ten-headed
By Shiva’s boon a demi-urge the god’s dreaded.
On that field of carnage of man and demon
Stands pristine Rama, an infinite-rayed Sun

Exiled began for Dharma of the Age, 
This dire adventure of squirrel and sage.
Treading on foot our ancient country
Held equal all the high and the sundry.

Even in victory for the enemy atoned
By ritual dharma Vibheeshana now throned.
To Ayodhya he did lead the surging rabble
Smiled in kindness upon every simian squabble.

Beside Rama, now walks Sita on a glad Earth
Rta*[1]* rooted firm in every heart and hearth.
Now near Ayodhya decked as a bride
Headed Rama, his mother Kaushalya’s pride.

Bharatha did welcome his godly brother
Relieved and relinquished from all mortal bother.
The planet now assumed its happy role
To align his whole life to this Divine Soul.

The ocean of life now surges and centers 
Upon Rama, and divine joy all hearts enters.
Safe now Earth from all time-born harm
Crowned our Prince to a chant of “Jai Shri Ram”.

[1] Rta: Cosmic order, the harmonious arrangement of life to yield the ananda of existence.