Two Mirrors

Published on September 16, 2017

Two Mirrors

Two Mirrors

I abide between two mirrors
Above and below, my occult brothers.
These two impinge ever upon me
One for bondage, other eggs me be free.
Apt gestures and lofty thoughts does the higher bring
In rare moments this one among Gods does sing.
Lower is tainted by past and his deeds morbid
Yoked to a will that savours all that is forbid.
These selves chart my nights and days
Plot my course through their vagrant ways.
These to me have been bestowed
A reluctant bride to two grooms betrothed!
I mirror them both, they in my living share
To them am bound by a dual snare.
I dwell now in a triple, above below and here
Three selves for one is the deal it would appear!