Hi, I'm Mahesh Ramakrishnan 👋

🚀 Entrepreneur and Engineer

💻 Passionate about building innovative software products and tools

🌟 Mentored/incubated startups, and crafted cool projects

📝 My blog is a poetic journey, migrated from Medium

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🧘‍♂️ Dive into the world of Yoga and Hindu Spirituality through my poems

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Appointed Ills

February 7, 2022

Appointed Ills

Sonnet-An Invocation to the Master #261

Oh take them back, take them all back,
Thy laws sour and the fates that glare,
The destiny biding its hour to sack
Our little hopes and our desires fair.

Herd us not like cattle to the pasture
To chew and ruminate on tender folly,
To gaze at sky-eye in luminous vesture 
And return to arms of dreams hazy.

What all dost Thou saddle us with,
A thumb-sized soul pitched against
This ignorance of boundless depth,
Is all semblance of balance forfeit?

Oh, measure the portion of our appointed ills,
For without Thy aid our will trembling withers.

Beloved Tyrant

September 23, 2018

Beloved Tyrant

A Sonnet

Sri Krishna

O Muse, O Supreme, my sole Orchestrator
O Love, O Beloved, my sole Creator
Lo, now am fulfilled only by Thee
In every scene only Thy trail I see.

Linger awhile, be seated in my heart
Whisper a little of Thy sacred art.
How art Thou so afar and yet near
So aloof and can stoop to tender tear!

O Lord, O infinite Mercy and boundless Grace
Thy captive desires to gaze at Thy face. 
Wake a million eyes in me sleepless
And equal hearts to adore Thee boundless.

Beloved Tyrant, Thou art my forever Emperor
This happy captive revels as Thy servitor!