Hi, I'm Mahesh Ramakrishnan 👋

🚀 Entrepreneur and Engineer

💻 Passionate about building innovative software products and tools

🌟 Mentored/incubated startups, and crafted cool projects

📝 My blog is a poetic journey, migrated from Medium

🎭 Explore the Rasas page

🧘‍♂️ Dive into the world of Yoga and Hindu Spirituality through my poems

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Unsung Songs

August 30, 2021

Unsung Songs

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #113

What expense of colour is in flower and sky,
What buoyant mirth in waves ever joyous,
How many melodies in the aerial chorus,
And yet to me a single hue of drab grey!

What offence is mine, where erred the heart,
What ardour walks course of fixed grammar,
What boundary line can mark love’s frontier?
Must my heart remain unbloomed, incomplete?

Wilt Thou hazard my soul to droop and drop,
The sole flower uncherished by Thy sun?
What gain to Thee is in my fall’s stain,
Art Thou not all the forsaken’s sole hope?

Abandon me not to these barren wastelands,
Leave not songbird-soul with unsung songs.

The Mother In Us

February 27, 2019

The Mother In Us

A Poem

Mother, Self-Portrait

A many-sided experiment’s fulfilling hour approaches
The timeless Eternity’s transfiguring moment is near.

For All being is a manifold gasp and cry
The ancient base and remembered method unravels.
Stealthily is born the New like a hesitant monarch.
A deep rapture from a deeper silence issues.
Ablaze is the old in a transmuting fire,
An assembly of suns in kinship weave
The new body’s sheath of light.
Thus is the birth of the Mother in us.